Overseas Applied System is a flourishing full scope ERP solutions firm supported by experienced consultants, and affiliated with international consulting firms. OVERSEAS guarantees excellence of solutions provided through its staff and services. Its strong handle on a number of interrelated disciplines all necessary for industrial establishments makes OVERSEAS a prime candidate for delivering excellent and cost effective services to manufacturers, services. The growth and success is a result of a combination of clear and decisive leadership and high level of professionalism crowned with team spirit. Our unified goal is to offer products and services of the highest quality. Our impressive history and keen sense of leadership will continue to enhance OVERSEAS future as a leading name in the industry.

Over the past decade, OVERSEAS has managed to be involved in many operations in the region and beyond. It is well established and has a reputable presence within the industrial and business community in Jordan and the Middle East.

OVERSEAS enjoys superiority in quality assurance systems particularly in Machinery & Distributors systems. It is the only Jordanian firm that successfully served the complex needs of Machinery & Distributors systems through delivering powerful and reliable expert systems capable of processing the complex functions.

Client satisfaction is a priority within OVERSEAS. OVERSEAS maintains a constant dialogue and proper progress reports to determine both present and future needs of the clients. The company believes in continuous improvement and strives to become the best in its field.

The OVERSEAS has undertaken the mission to enhance the organizational framework and efficiency of institutions by providing support at a high degree of excellence in all issues that impact the important aspects of organizational performance.

Enhancing the organizations operating in Jordan and the Middle East through various tools, methodologies and technologies related to planning, management and information technology and with the same level of advancement available to the modern world is our prime goal, thus contributing to the creation of highly competitive and responsive institutions and to the development of the economy.


Build up a highly skilled and qualified team Systematically develop its methodologies and systems to allow for expansion Expand in terms of scope, volume, geographical spread and client base.
Establish strategic partnerships with compatible and complementary firms in the Middle East and Worldwide Develop and establish its services at international standard.

OVERSEAS is steadfast on achieving its strategic objectives and has fulfilled a number of important milestones.


OVERSEAS has a management consultancy team trained and armed with powerful tools and a methodology for management system development and business process.

Our experience spans a very wide scope of activities ranging from Automotive Dealers, Trading, Servicing, Manufacturing, and distributors organizations. The client base includes Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Libya, And Saudi Arabia.


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